your gateway to mastering video creation

Learn to Craft, Create, and Rock Video

The Authentic Video Club newsletter & community teaches you video, instills a system of accountability, and offers you insights on the video creation space from a veteran video creator with over 25 years of experience.

Feeling Overwhelmed by Video Creation?

I get it. The journey of creating video content can feel daunting — like facing a towering mountain.

The technical aspects may seem insurmountable, the process can test your patience, and the fear of imperfection might halt your progress.

Yet, consider this not as a blockade but as a challenge waiting to be overcome.

You're more ready than you think. I'm here to guide you through every step.

I'm Jordan Urbs!

My journey into video began with simple fun among friends and evolved into a life dedicated to storytelling and creation.

Rejecting the confines of a 9-5 life, I spent 12 years traveling, creating videos, and embracing a sovereign mindset— the belief that anything is achievable with determination and action.

With minimal resources, I learned the true value of pursuing passion over security, aiming to inspire others to live and create on their own terms.

Video is the key.

Video content, in my eyes, is the ultimate medium for opening doors to endless opportunities.

Authentic video is crafted from the heart. It is the essence of content that feels good to make and even greater to watch, all the while attracting the right eyes to our business or projects!

Authentic Video transcends mere content creation; it's a path to self-actualization and realizing your full potential.

Start With Your FREE Micro-Course!

Sign up for the newsletter today to embark on your FREE 7-DAY AUTHENTIC VIDEO CHALLENGE!

This hands-on journey will equip you with the basics of video production, encouraging you to explore your narrative, humor, vulnerability, and passions.

Don't wait to unleash your creativity.

Join the AV Club today to begin your journey of crafting video content that truly resonates.

Start your video journey today!

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